The main goal is for children to know how important breakfast is.
The story of the play………….
The play is about lazy Zaazoaa, son of the governor. His father orders all the wise men and scientists to solve this problem, but in vain. But Goha has a solution: to take Zaazoaa to his home where he met with Gamila – Goha’s daughter. She was making a doll out of their breakfast an named her Fatora (breakfast). The first day Zaazoaa refused to share their breakfast but things have changed the second day. He wanted to help Gamila preparing Fatora and to eat with her. On the third day Zaazoaa started making breakfast for the whole family. He even participated in playing sports and showed to be very active. It was having breakfast behind all the change. The governor overwhelmed with Zaazoaa’s change gave his order: Goha, Gamila and Bahbah will be responsible for providing breakfast to all children at schools or at home.